Click for Albuquerque, New Mexico Forecast A knitter living in the high desert of the southwestern United States.
Sunday, November 30, 2003

This was a busy weekend for Christmas and Birthday shopping so very little knitting was done but here is a cute picture of my Niece Dogs, Tasha and Krissie.

As for Knitting, I am at the decrease rounds for the Seaman's cap so there's not much more till it's all done but then, I have all the ends to weave in... on it, AND the two Gansey sweaters. I hate weaving in ends!!!!

Oh well, I'm working the next two days... ::grumble:: Sure hope it's better than it has been.

Happy knitting, everyone!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Not as colorful as Kureyon yarn but here is the start of the matching Seaman's cap to go with the Cat Gansey. This is just the ribbing part and I have done 2 rows of the plain stockinette stitch that is the main head part. This won't take me near as long to knit as the Gansey did. ehehehe

I was lazy today... well... knitting wise only... I only worked on the Seaman's cap. The rest of the day I did some Christmas shopping. Are any of you finished with that part of your life?? I'm sure not. The Seaman's Cap was going to be the last of my Holiday knitting but I found 2 more things that need doing. aarrgghh. hehehe Fortunately, I'm thinking they will work up fast since MidWinter Feast will be December 13 for my SCA group.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful and uneventful Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'll be working both Thursday and Friday before having the weekend off to knit, felt, knit and relax.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Here's some nice color for you to look at. I'm doing the Perfect Pouch by IndiGirl out of Kureyon #88. I found 2 skeins at my LYS and this looks like a perfect project for it.

The good news...... The Cat Gansey is done!!!!! No picture of it yet as I still have all the ends to weave in. That's my least favorite job after sewing parts together. Fortunately, Ganseys don't have parts to sew together... just ends to weave in.

I've started the matching Seaman's cap to go with the gansey... no picture of that as I only have 2 rounds done on it. heheeh Very unexciting to look at..

Another finished object...sorta... my first Booga_J bag... I need to felt it and then get the i-cord attached to it. My very first felting project so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Happy knitting, everyone!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

My double sized Booga Bag is done and I'm currently working on the i-cord for it. The bag itself took 6 skeins and I'm going to make a fairly long i-cord in case I decide I want to make double handles for more strength. I haven't decided on that yet and probably won't until it's all felted. I made the base 68 stitches by 60 rows and the bag is 100 rounds high.

This is the first time I've ever done an i-cord. It's actually rather fun as it knits up so fast!

I'm still working on the second sleeve of the sweater and am starting tonight with round 59. I'm not sure how much I'll get done tonight as I was up early. hehehe Yup, even on my days off I wake up early.

How are everyone's Holiday projects coming along!?

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I'm definitely NOT on a yarn diet. LOL I'm a Yarn Addict! This is Noro Kureyon #51. It's black with gray and faint splashes of red and green. I'll be using it for a Perfect Pouch for a man.

I'm almost done with the bag part of the double size Booga_J bag then I'll be knitting the i-cord. I'm on row 48 of the second sleeve of the Cat Gansey so I'm moving right along and getting close to being able to start a Perfect pouch and my RoundTrip sweater. I'm anxious to get started on new projects. Do you all get that feeling when you get close to completing a project??

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

We have sleeve!!!!

hehehehehe The first sleeve is officially done! Now I get to cast on for the next sleeve. I sure hope that the yarn isn't as fussy about being turned into a sleeve like the first time. I really don't want to start the thing three times again.

I'll be working the next two days. ::sigh:: Thursday is Ortho day and we have been known to have as many as 14 fresh surgeries admitted. Wish me luck!!!

Off to casting on sleeve #2!

Monday, November 10, 2003

And now for a picture of the incredible growing sleeve. Yup, I'm still only on the first sleeve. Round 108 of 163. It's going a little faster as the rounds have fewer stitches.

I hope I will make my Dec 13 deadline as I still have the hat to make to go with it. The last hat only took me about 2 days to knit then... finish a pair of socks and then I can do more fun stuff for me! Finish my Booga_J bag, on round 74 of 100 on that one.

I had a great suggestion on adding small i-cords on the back of the perfect pouch that a belt can be slid through instead of making a long strap type of i-cord. Once I get a chance to make that pattern, I am going to give that a try... will have to figure out how long/big to make those back loops, though. Does anyone have any suggestions on doing that??

Happy knitting, everyone!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Here's the newest Noro that I bought. Number 87 to use to make The Perfect Pouch by IndiKnits (button on the right of the screen under blogs that I visit) The finished measurements when felted are 7.5 x 8.5 and it has a nice diagonal flap. It only takes 2 skeins of Noro. It has an i-cord strap but I wonder how I could modify it to slide on or fit onto a belt that someone would wear around their waist..... Does anyone have any ideas on that??

Who knows when I'll be ready to knit it but I wanna do it NOW!!! And get started on the RoundTrip sweater and the Queen Elizabeth I stockings. hehehehe

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Just so show that I really have been working on my Cat Gansey... here is that blasted sleeve that insisted on being started THREE times. Silly thing. Now it seems to be quit happy to be the first sleeve on the sweater.

I got my order from Threadbear today. :) Hurray!! The Noro Kureyon in 89 arrived so I can keep working on my Booga_J Bag, color #87 to do the Perfect Pouch, and 2 skeins of Koigu to make a pair of socks.

Now, I wonder if the guys at Threadbear have some more free knitting time that they might add in with my next order. :) I sure could use more knitting time!

Happy knitting, everyone!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Ever have a part of a project that just didn't want to be knitted until it was ready??

I've been working on my Cat Gansey... cast on the first sleeve and found I had cast on half the stitches that I should have. Frogged it and started over again with the correct number of stitches. I had 19 rows done and, last night, noticed that the under arm gusset didn't look right. I compared it with the under arm gusset of the previous gansey and found the mistake.... Frogged again.

I'm now on row 26 of the first sleeve and the sleeve finally seems happy with being knitted.

Because of all of that, no pictures. Nothing exciting about seeing 3 inches of plain knitting of a sleeve. hehehehe

The good news is that I have ordered the yarn that I need to finish my Booga_J bag, have some sock yarn and 2 skeins of Kureyon and a new pattern for the Perfect Pouch by IndiGirl. You can visit her site by clicking on her button listed under the Blogs that I visit.

Happy knitting everyone!

The WeatherPixie

Paper Doll Maker

moon phases

Fun Things

Works In Progress

Purple Roving: 90%

Red Roving: 10%

Red Tank Top: 70%

Seaman's Cap: 100%

Fortissima Socks: 40%


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